Preliminary Task

Zohal Samim's Preliminary Exercise:


For my Preliminary exercise, it started with the camera behind me as I walked into the building, this captured my movement as I opened the door.
This also makes the audience focus on the movement of the door as it opens, this is because the next cut will be the angle where the camera is inside the building at approximately 50 degrees capturing the scene as i walk in the building. 

 This scene shows the long shot camera angle that is used to show Ronica and Jasmine with myself further out but in between them.
The distance and the positions that the characters are in makes the audience realise that there is tension created by the people in the film.

In this particular section of my preliminary task, the 180 degree rule was used by the camera allows the audience to visually relate with the movement that is taking place and is hidden, behind the characters.


Simranjeet's Preliminary Exercise:

Palwasha's Preliminary Exercise 

Preliminary Exercise Review

In our preliminary exercise we used a range of different shots. The contrary camera positions helped to set the location, but to also capture each aspect of the meeting between myself and Lacey. The 180 degree rule was our main focus, as the conversation was key for the audience to deduce. We used a medium-close up over the shoulder, to decree the reaction and facial expressions of the characters' but to also ensure the dialouge is clear. The close up of the watch contributes to the theme, which is time.
The low-angle created a sense of dominance. The establishing shot when I begin to walk away, assures that we are both visible to the audience to attain our gestures. However even better if, we had positioned a camera on the exit of where I was coming out to capture my reaction from the filthy deal, to catch a villainous facial expression.

When I approach Lacey, I come out of the darkness which interprets the dangerous and evil side of my character. The natural lighting, from the strong sunlight at the end of the alley creates a mysterious atmosphere. As I walk off into the light after the dark environment it makes the  audience eager to question what will happen next as it is a clear indication that I will once again return.

When editing our clip we had to ensure to place the right shots in the right place. Otherwise there would have been missing elements. This part of the process demanded more time and effort than we thought we needed to contribute to it. However, due to the number of different camera shots we took we had many alternatives for the clip. But these shots matched up appropriately to give it a nice flow.

Most of the sound within our clip was diegetic sound, the dialouge's between me and Lacey. The sound of Lacey tapping her feet against the floor, shows her urgency and impatience. The sound of the squeaky door makes the beginning of their meeting awkward and unsettling, as the audience are unaware of the purpose of their meeting.   However, we also used  non-diegetic sound towards the end, when Lacey is opening the envelope to reveal her task. This sound affect in particular created a sense of fright and tension for the audience when they find out the victim is recognized by Lacey.

Kiran's Evaluation on Preliminary Task

We used different camera shots ranging from, Medium close ups, Close ups, Over the shoulder, as well as Low angle. With a diverse range of shots we wanted to ensure that it included different camera angles to demonstrate different aspects of the clips setting, and also to show characters reactions. When reviewing our camera shots, we noticed that we were missing one particular angle which was POV (point of view), which should have actually been used while Chloe was looking down at me as this would have created more tension and allowed the audience to feel the fear running through Chloe.

For our opening shot we see Chloe sitting by the window, which involved natural lighting. The shot where I am digging the fork into soil also uses natural lighting as we took this shot outdoors.As we carried on filming we made use of the low key lighting to create a dark atmosphere as Chloe walks down the stairs and comes face to face with me. For us the lighting wasn’t really an issue as most of the filming took place indoors where the halls including the stairs made our shots create the eerie feel we desired to have.


The editing part of this task was slightly more challenging than the actual filming, as it involved us matching up the different shots and editing them so that it all sequenced together. We were pleased with the close up of Chloe’s eyes as this was edited to show her reaction and create a real sense of fear. We were able to also make use of the transitions available such as ‘dissolve’ and fade to ‘black’, which effectively created our clip to flow nicely.

We used sound to really bring out the genre of horror by applying sound from iMovie to each shot. For example when using slow motion as the camera focuses into my eyes we added the ‘suspense drone’ sound clip to create uncertainty and awkwardness. This reflected the overall mood of the entire clip as the techniques used from the help of editing, camera and lighting really emphasised the horror genre.

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