Pre Production

British board of film classification

This is the British Board of Film Classification certificate I made using Photoshop  I used examples of real BBFC certificates used in movies as a guideline.We decided to rate our movie as a '15' as we thought it would be appropriate for our target audience, which is people of age 15 and over, this is mainly due to the fact that our movie might be a bit to scary for younger viewers. 



For our first draft of the script, we had planned that Zohal was going to have a flashback and she would have her frenzy after it. However, during the production we changed our mind because we thought that if we had used this part, the narrative in the beginning would have not been clear, but also because of the shots we decided to take during filming was not appropriate for this scene ; as an alternative we created an eerie CCTV footage effect. Also by removing the flashback scene we were able to create a sense of tension and fear before the rage as it is a sudden and unexpected move by the mental patient. And the flashback would have also given a lot away just for an opening sequence; this is the being to the flashback scene being removed, and this is not the only thing we changed there are many things we improvised on the spot, like the change in dialouge as they were too long for an opening scene so we shortened them to keep it simple. These improvisations has made our film better than what is should have been, which has the conventions of a vampire horror such as suspense. 


 27th & 28th March

Within the last two days, we have stepped away from the available features that just iMovie provides; we did this in order to ensure that our film uses varied software’s so that we can capture the build-up of tension right at the start to make it gripping for our viewers. This includes keynote, we produced type writing titles to represent the conventions of an aerie CCTV camera footage. The BBFC censorship was created by Simranjeet, where she had to use Photoshop to recreate our own version to include the directors & films name. We downloaded the sound at the start of the clip from a copyright free website to ensure nothing was used without permission (




Shooting Updates Tuesday 19th February 2013


Unfortunately our group was not able to start according to our schedule. However, we were able to start the next day.
We did the first scene in The Heart behind the prefix room, this location for the mental patient's room was perfect. It was very dark and so we were able to use lighting effectively to create a cold atmosphere. 
Our first day of shooting went very well, the make-up, lighting, camera & location was much better than we expected. 
We filmed a range of shot types so when it comes to editing we have a number of shot types to choose from to make the clip flow. 
Filming was more time consuming than we thought it would be.  Setting the tracks up was easy but time consuming and recording whilst using the tracks was difficult because we needed to ensure the tracks were not visible, and when they were we had to start over again.
The make-up looked better than we expected it to,  but there was a lot of difficulties during this process, the make-up would not settle in or look pale enough. When we placed the contact lenses in, Zohal's eyes were watering so it ruined her facial make-up, and due to this reason we have not finished filming this particular scene yet.



We have purchased some props online to make our opening scene as realistic as possible.

<< We have purchased a straight jacket for ZOHAL in the opening scene when she is alone in the asylum room. To make her look like a genuine mental patient with the straight jacket to hold her arms back, showing she is uncontrollable.

<< We have also purchased red contact lenses for when ZOHAL turns into a vampire whilst in a mental fit. The being to the contact lenses is to make it more scary rather than just her normal eye color.

<< Vampire fangs is the main prop which makes it clear to the viewers about the genre of the film. It is also another alternative to get the audience gripped  into the opening scene. 

<< The fake blood gives away the whole gruesomeness of the vampire horror genre. 

We have all contributed money to buy these items.



Character Profile

Zohal is playing the main role of GRACE in the opening scene, she will be the mental patient. The opening sequence revolves around her, she is first and foremost actress in the opening. She will playing the main parts, such as the outrageous fit after the flashback. 

Kiran will be playing the role of one of the doctors. She is really afraid of Grace's condition, she doesn't agree with the other doctor, she is positive . She is not as daring as the other doctor. She believes that Grace has a chance of being curable and normal again.


Palwasha will be playing the role of the other female doctor. She is more daring, she is willing to take the risk of getting rid of Grace only because she think she has no hope. She has more dominance over Kiran, she does as she pleases. Both female doctors are also the main characters in the opening scene. Their simple dialogues, makes it easy for the the audience to understand the situation.




This will be our production logo, which was created using Photoshop.



Risk Assessment

Whilst filming our opening sequence, we thought about the possible risks that could occur during our production. So there are the following risks that we need to take in mind to ensure our cast & crew is safe on set.

~ For the opening sequence of our production, we will be using red contact lenses on Zohal. There are many serious conditions when wearing contact lenses; including an eye infection, swelling etc. However, these symptoms are very unlikely to happen. So to reduce the chances of infection, we will trail the instructions from the following website to ensure Zohal is not harmed during the process of production:

~ As a group we have agreed on using a birds eye view when Zohal transforms into the vampire. However, there is also a dangerous risk involved. As the camera will be a hand held above her head there is a likely chance of losing a grip, so it might fall on Zohal's head. To ensure this doesn't not happen we could also use a tripod to make sure the camera is fixed into position so it won't fall and to also make the shot look steady. 
(Due to improvisation in production we had changed our mind so we are not in concern about this risk anymore, as we did not want to use this shot type.)

~ As the tracks will be laid out across the floor, we have to make sure that we do not trip over these tracks as it may cause damage to provided equipment but also one of us can get injured.
~ The camera and tripod could slip of the tracks if we do not control them, this can cause destruction to the equipment and injury to our staff. 

~ Unused equipment will be put aside safely, to minimize the chances of tripping over equipment. So to make sure of this we have made firm guidelines that there will be no running on set. 

As the majority of our film will be filmed indoors we do not have to be concerned about problems such as weather and how this could have affected our production fortunately.


Test Shoot

~ This scene was shot in the Brentford School For Girls corridors with an iPhone 5 camera (8mp).
The reason why we chose this destination was because of the mysterious lighting that was portrayed through the video. The lighting creates a dark visual in the long distance shot until the camera has zoomed in (using the tracks in the future shots) which then lightens up and focuses on my whole body.
~Annotations has also been added throughout the video so it gives a clear and detailed description based on the angles and purposes other than the audio itself.



Behind the Scenes

Our shooting location for the mental asylum scene was in The Heart in the CLC at Brentford School For Girls. Once we entered our location of shooting, werealised that the place was really dirty and messy, filled with tables, chairs and rubbish. We managed to clean the entire room and hoover the floor so that it would look appropriate and professional for our shooting and that it also fit the equipment that we used that day. The equipments that we used we the tracks that provided us with a smooth and still camera angle when moving, my Canon 600D with HD recording that enabled us to use high definition recording to make it look more professional, tripod that helped keep the camera up on the tracks and give us a significant angle for whatever one we decided - low angle or high angle. Other props included: my make up and costume.

Throughout the shooting, as previously stated that I had trouble with the contacts that caused me to unintentionally cry and ruin the make up for the day. However, in preparation for the next shoot. I bought another brand of white make up that was easier to put on that will give the vampire look that I desired to go for. This time, the make up and contacts were much easier to put on and I managed to give off the vampire look.
The mental asylum costume that I had previously bought from eBay for the production fitted really well within the mental vampire look that I desired.
The fangs and the red contacts also fitted really well within the vampire conventions to give off that very stereotypical vampire look so that the audience would be able to notice the character and what we were trying to get the audience understand that I am no ordinary character, but one with a past that makes me into who I am now; A vampire.


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