
Incurable Storyboard                  



Shoot Schedule 



 Character Profile
Here is a character profile of our main actress and the role they will be playing as Grace Davies.






Logo Analysis

Below is Production Company Logo I created in Photoshop.


Our Mood Board

~ This is the mood board for our opening scene. These images incorporate the main theme vampire horror. By using these images our audience can guess the type of things they will expect to see in the opening scene. The blood and fangs show the vampire horror side of our movie, the image of  sitting on a mental asylum bed shows the audience that there might also be a sense of horror incorporated in the theme of mental instability. The image of the doctor also shows the theme of something to do with a mental asylum. The image of the couple could also indicate that the movie has hints of romance in it as well horror.



Incurable Script

Establishing shot of the mental institution, camera pans upwards (in a shaky effect). the institution looks gloomy and dull. The sound will be non-diegetic, it will create an eery effect.

Fades into a shot of a corridor in the mental institution

The camera pans downwards, the lighting makes the corridor look dark and spooky, the sound continues from the previous shot (non diegetic)

Fades into a shot of a table with syringes on it

The non-diegetic sound continues throughout this scene, the camera pans across and fades out.  

A long shot of ZOHAL restrained on the floor with her hair covering her face. The room is lit with a single white light that moves slowly across ZOHAL. The camera moves slowly on tracks into a medium close up shot of ZOHAL’S face.

-cuts to-
A shot of ZOHAL from CCTV. ZOHAL is shown getting up. The lighting is dark, and there is no sound.

-cuts to-
A worms-eye view of the CCTV camera. the lighting is still black and white.

-cuts back to-
A point of view shot of ZOHAL, she slowly walks towards the camera, she looks like she is struggling to get up, the lighting is still dark.

-cuts to-
A shot of PALWASHA watching the CCTV footage of ZOHAL walking towards the camera. The screen goes static for about three seconds then we see the ZOHALS face again, the lighting is bright on ZOHAL's face.

-cuts to-
A point of view shot from the CCTV of ZOHAL, the whole screen goes static so it looks like the audience is watching the CCTV footage. We see ZOHAL walking back away from the camera, the lighting is back to dull.

-cuts to title-

-cuts to-
A point of view shot of ZOHAL sitting back down in her previous place.

-cuts to-
A worms-eye view of ZOHAL.

-cuts to-
A 180 degree rule shot of KIRAN talking to PALWASHA

“We've tried everything, we are hopeless ”
-cuts to title, then a close up shot of ZOHAL breathing heavily-

Camera cuts over KIRAN'S shoulder (Right), focusing on PALWASHA.

“She's incurable”
-cuts to-
A wide shot of ZOHAL in the room, she is standing up and breathing heavily, she looks like she is having a seizure. She starts banging on the walls and doors. The sound at this point will be diegetic with non- diegetic sound in the background.

-cuts to-
A shot of the the doctors facing the camera, they suddenly hear the the sound of ZOHAL screaming and they both turn towards the sound. 

-cuts back to-
A wide shot of ZOHAL standing in the middle of the room, she has her hands on her head and she is screaming. The non-diegetic sounds continues throughout. 

-cuts to-
The doctors run towards the right side of the camera.

-cuts to- 
A wide shot of ZOHAL. We see her walking slowly backwards towards the corner of the room, where she was previously sitting. The non-diegetic sound is still continuing. 

-cuts to-
This is a handheld shot from the point of view of KIRAN, as we see PALWASHA running in front of her, they are running to ZOHAL. 

-cuts back to- 
A wide shot of ZOHAL falling to the floor. The sound is non-diegetic.

-cuts to- 
A wide shot of the doctors running down a flight of stairs. The non-diegetic sound is still continuing. 

-cuts to- 
A close up shot of ZOHAL's face. Her eyes are closed.

-cuts to-
An extreme close up of ZOHAL's face (showing only her eyes). She opens them and the audience sees they are red. 

-cuts to- 
The sound at this point is all non- diegetic. The sound creates tension, and we see a close up shot of ZOHAL's face, she screams, and the audience get to see her fangs, and realise she is a vampire.




Incurable; Vampire Horror Film

The scene is set in modern America (2012), a mental asylum where one female patient (Grace) has a complicated condition, the best doctors and specialists have been called from all over the world to help solve her demented case but they all said the same thing 'it's impossible'. Grace does something very bizarre at 2 am sharp every morning, and has even killed other patients before. There is a new male character introduced Ethan who films all kinds of documentaries for Discovery Channel, but for his most recent one he has decided to base it on the mental institution. When he visits the institute he is restricted by doctors from interviewing certain people and one of them is Grace, but he becomes immensely attracted to her behavior and becomes frantic to get onto her case. After a long hassle with the doctors he gets the opportunity to get a real insight into her ailment, but when he tries to speak to her she never responds which becomes very tricky for him. But as he slowly gains information from her kept files, records and from an old strange diary that belonged to her. He discovers an unbelievable love triangle between two vampires, but what is the actual reason behind her being incurable?.. 



Film Pitch for Incurable 
Grace the mental patient with an incurable condition, doctors have tried all they can, but what is the cause to her intricate state? Falling in love with a vampire..



 Production Roles

Palwasha Ayubi - Director/Producer & Editor - Overlooks the blog with groups recent updates and Editor.

Kiran Jamshaid - Camera/Editor & Sound  - Main editor and camera work, music.

Simranjeet Mangat - Script/Camera - Main camera work, lighting & script 

Zohal Samim - Production designer & Actress - hair, make-up, props & location.



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